Amrita Karunaratne graduated from The National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland.
2024 | L_A_B_12 ‘Lichter’, Boterhal Hoorn, The Netherlands
2024 | De Kleine Toonzaal, Huizen, The Netherlands (20 May – 15 June)
2023 | Thrown Contemporary, Winter Exhibition 23/24, United Kingdom
2023 | Hoornse Editie #2, Galerie Expoost, Hoorn, The Netherlands (1 September – 8 October)
2023 | HOOP, Boterhal, Hoorn, The Netherlands (1 July – 5 August)
2023 | Even Stilte, Galerie Expoost, Hoorn, The Netherlands (10 March – 16 April)
2023 | European Month of Photography Berlin 2023, Weissensee school of art and design Berlin, Germany (4 March – 19 april)
2023 | Galerie De Kapberg, Egmond aan den Hoef, The Netherlands (24 February – 2 April)
2022 | Horizon, Boterhal, Hoorn, The Netherlands (3 December – 8 January 2023)
2022 | Vitrine stadhuis van Hoorn, The Netherlands
2022 | “Hoornse Nieuwe”, Boterhal, Hoorn, The Netherlands (info)
2022 | Alternatieve aankoopronde, City Council Hoorn, The Netherlands (info)
2022 | L_A_B 3 ‘Showcase’, Boterhal Hoorn, The Netherlands
2021 | L_A_B 2 ‘Eye selfie’, Boterhal Hoorn, The Netherlands
2021 | BSA-Art & Boterhal-Hoorn, Linz, Austria (September 2021)
2021 | L_A_B; het glazen laboratorium Boterhal Hoorn, The Netherlands (info)
2020 | Ledententoonstelling/Vlootschouw Boterhal Hoorn, The Netherlands (December 2020-January 2021) (info)
2020 | Hotel Maria Kapel, Hoorn, The Netherlands | Collaboration with Tamara Kuselman (October) (info)
2020 | Galerie Theemaas, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (12 January – 22 February) (info)
2018 | Spright-Art, The Hague, The Netherlands (17-28 November)
2018 | Galerie Breed, Genk, Belgium (June-September)
2018 | Galerie Zône, Leiden, The Netherlands (May-June)
2015 | Work by Kunstuitleen Bergen, Kranenburgh, Bergen, The Netherlands
2015 | KCBeeldenBinnen 2, Kranenburgh Museum, Kunstcentrum Bergen, The Netherlands
2013 | Onder de leden, Kranenburgh Museum, Kunstcentrum Bergen, The Netherlands
2011 | De beste wensen, Kunstcentrum Bergen, The Netherlands
2011 | Salon van Nieuwe leden, Kunstcentrum Bergen, The Netherlands
2010 | “Het wintert”, Kunstuitleen Bergen, The Netherlands
2009 | Open Ateliers Keramisten, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands
2009 | Aankoopronde gemeente Hoorn, de Boterhal, The Netherlands
2009 | Noordholland Keramisten Groepsexpositie, Warmenhuizen, The Netherlands
2008 | Work by Kunstuitleen, Hoorn, The Netherlands
2008 | Work by ‘O wat mooi’ webwinkel en gallerie, Ooster-Laren, The Netherlands
2007 | Aankoopronde gemeente Hoorn, de Boterhal, Hoorn, The Netherlands
2007 | Open Ateliers, Hoorn, The Netherlands
2004 | Expositie en veiling voor War Child, Kunstcentrum, Zaandam, The Netherlands
2003 | ‘Hoorn Koopt Kunst’, de Boterhal, Hoorn, The Netherlands
2003 | Kunstuitleen Zaandam, The Netherlands
2002 | Kunstuitleen Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
2001 | La Grande Arche, la Defense, Paris, France
2001 | Ki Beau, Menaldum, The Netherlands
2001 | Gallery Anneé, Haarlem, The Netherlands
2000 | Gallery 1719, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
2000 | Gallery d’Eglantier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2000 | ‘Hoorn koopt kunst’, de Boterhal, Hoorn, The Netherlands
1999 | Gallery ‘t Stokpaardje, Oudkarspel, The Netherlands
1999 | Kunstuitleen de Enkhuizer Waag, Enkhuizen, The Netherlands
1999 | Gallery de Kapberg, Egmond, The Netherlands
1998 | Gallery Wim Zwijsen, Hoorn, The Netherlands
1998 | Kunstuitleen West-Friesland, Hoorn, The Netherlands
1998 | Gallery Le Pignon, Grootschermer, The Netherlands
1998 | ‘Hoorn koopt kunst, de Boterhal, Hoorn, The Netherlands
1991 | National College Degree Show, Dublin, Ireland
1991 | Young Designer’s Show, Craft Council Gallery, Dublin, Ireland
1990 | National College of Art, Diploma Show, Dublin, Ireland
1989 | Craft Potters Society, Dublin, Ireland
2024 | KLEI Magazine May issue | “Het cyaanblauw van Amrita Karunaratne” (info)
2023 | Focusmagazine.nl | “Expoost toont: Even Stilte” (info)
2023 | Art-in-Berlin | “European Month of Photography – Begegnung” (info)
2023 | European Month of Photography Berlin 2023 (info)
2023 | Rodi.nl | “Een goede seizoensstart in De Kapberg” (info)
2022 | Homo Faber – The Michelangelo Foundation (info)
2022 | The World of Interiors Magazine – Condé Nast | Top of the Pots (Issues Oct – Dec)
2022 | Noordhollands Dagblad | ‘Hoorn exposeert bijzondere werken…’ (info)
2021 | Hotel Maria Kapel | Instagram (info)
2020 | Klei Magazine | Kort Nieuws – Amrita Karunaratne bij Theemaas (info)
2019 | Ceramics Ireland Magazine | Current events – Opportunities (info)
2015 | Kunstuitleen Kranenburgh | Kunstenaar Uitgelicht (October 2015)
2001 | Noordhollands Dagblad | ‘Hoornse Keramiste exposeert in zakenwijk Parijs’
2000 | Journal of the Craft Potter’s Society of Ireland | ‘Seeing is believing’ (Summer issue)
2000 | Noordhollands Dagblad | ‘Kunstexpo in Galerie 1719’
2000 | Echo, Amsterdam | ‘Van wasmachine kunst tot sensueel keramiek’
2000 | Alkmaars Weekblad | ‘Expositie van drie kunstenaars in Galerie 1719’
1990 | Irish Times by Brian Fallon | ‘Students learn to Conservatism’
Work Experience
2023 | Assisting Mexican artists David Camargo and Amauta Garcia with 3D-printed ceramic pieces (September – October) (info)
2023 | Weissensee school of art and design, Berlin, Germany | Workshop cyanotype on porcelain (15 March)
2020 | Shared Studio Tamara Kuselman (October-December) (info)
2020 | Helping Priscilla Fernandes with her project at Hotel Mariakapel in Hoorn
2003 | Shared Studio- Philadelphia based ceramist Karen Aumann
1995 | Riverbend Pottery, Harare, Zimbabwe
1992 | Inverske Pottery, Donegal, Ireland
1991 | Rath Pottery, Dublin, Ireland
1990 | Kurt Pieber Studio, Oberwart, Austria
1989 | Stoober Ceramics, Austria
Email: info@karunaratne.com
Coen Visser 2024